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Sayeret Maglan.

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Petite révision d'anglais ....


220px-Unit212TrainingDay.jpg Maglan commandos training in the desert

Recruits train extensively for 18 months in what is considered to be one of the most challenging training courses in the IDF.[16] The trainees first go through 6 months of basic and advanced infantry training within the Paratroopers Brigade, including a parachuting course. The soldiers then must complete a 60 km (37 mi) beret march (Hebrew: Masa Kumta) to Maglan's base to continue their training. The recruits go through courses in navigation, camouflage, observation, specialized warfare, and special operational devices.[17] Physical standards are high, with candidates required to carry equipment weighing about 70% of their body mass over several dozen kilometers. About two-thirds of the candidates drop out due to the harsh nature of the program.[18]

Each recruit also goes through the IDF's commander's course. Towards the end of training, the recruits learn specific skills according to the speciality of their unit. The end of training ceremony is held secretly and closed to the public.[16]

il y a 1 minute, Yann pyromane a dit :

The end of training ceremony is held secretly and closed to the public.[16]

Je sais pas si la famille est conviée ....😉

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